Kids Arhat Touch-Education Committee

Kids Education Committee is lead by Nitesh Shah

Arhat Touch is a worldwide chain of classes that aims at reviving interest and participation in the Jain religious tradition and promoting a deeper and more meaningful insight into Jain philosophy. Arhant Touch is a 4 year programme of weekly classes (term time) specially designed for 18 years olds. We also run a special program for children 31/2 years till 7 years. The mission of the Arhat Touch programme is to create the necessary curriculum and environment for children across the world to learn and internalise the rich culture of Jainism in a scientific, practical and enjoyable manner. The classes are run on Sundays at JSM.

Admissions : Please download form below and follow instruction.


We do accept online payment under ‘Donate US’ Menu (One off Donation).


Jain Samaj Manchester is also registered School for science Olympiad foundation and conduct exams each year. Usually English and Maths exams are taken between Oct-Dec every year.

The Science Olympiad Foundation(SOF) is an educational foundation and a non-profit organisation based in New Delhi, India which promotes science, mathematics, introductory computer education and English language skills.

If you would like to get involved please contact:

Nitesh Shah Mobile  Email :